Team Drills - Shooting (Offence)

Workout Drills

Layup Lines

Layup Lines

  • Get your team into 2 lines, one on each block, with a ball or two in the right-hand line
  • Get the first player in line to take a step with his right foot then left foot and then shoot the ball up towards the top of the square on the backboard
  • The first person in the other line will grab the rebound and pass to the next person in line
  • The shooter and rebounder will then switch lines
  • Once the team is getting confident, take a couple of steps back and add a dribble. Keep stepping back till the team is at the 3-point line
  • Switch sides and get the players to work on their left hand
  • Use this as a warmup! 

Key Points:

  1. Players will need to aim at the corner of the little square on the backboard
  2. Dribble with heads up

What You Need:

  1. Two basketballs
  2. Possibly cones if with a young team

Starting Point

layup lines

Shooting Lines

Shooting Lines

  • Get your team into 2 lines, one on each block, with a ball or two in the right-hand line
  • The first player with the ball will shoot towards the basket
  • The first player in the opposite line will grab the rebound then pass to the next person in the shooting line
  • Shooter and rebounder will switch lines
  • Once the team is confident, step back a couple of steps until hitting the 3-point line
  • Get the players to work on dribbling into their shot
  • Switch to the left side and complete
  • Use this as a warmup! 

Key Points:

  1. Players work on game shots
  2. They need to find their targets

What You Need:

  1. Two basketballs
  2. Possibly cones if with a young team

Starting Point

shooting lines

Competition Shooting

Competition Shooting

  • Split your team into 2 or 3 even groups
  • One ball per team
  • The teams will be in one line and will shoot one after another until the first team reaches the target score
  • Pick 3-5 spots where the team will be competing from
  • The team that wins the most spots win the comp
  • Make it competitive by placing a consequence on the line to kick up the competitive edge between teams

Key Points:

  1. Players must find their target
  2. They will have to work on BEEF (covered in Basic Shooting section)
  3. Players will need to take their time and not rush

What You Need:

  1. A basketball per team
  2. Possibly cones to mark spots

3-Ball Shooting

3-Ball Shooting

  • Get your players into two lines, one in each short corner
  • Give one line two basketballs and the other line one
  • The line with two basketballs will shoot first then the line with one basketball next
  • The players will get their own rebound and pass to the next person in the opposite line they shoot from
  • Make a target for the team to strive for, then move to the wing, elbow, and possibly 3-pointers

Key Points:

  1. Good passes to shooters
  2. Feet set and ready to shoot
  3. Game pace shots

What You Need:

  1. Three basketballs
  2. Possibly cones

Starting Point

Tennessee Drill

Tennessee Drill

  • Have 2-3 players on each baseline on opposite ends of the court under the basket
  • Have another 2-3 players on each elbow extended on both sides of the court. There should be 4 lines
  • There will be 5 basketballs. One in each elbow extended line and the last basketball starts with one of the players on the baseline
  • The player that starts on the baseline will pass to one of the first players in the elbow extended line then start running through the middle, the player will get the ball back and pass to the other player in the elbow extended line. Then receive again for the layup
  • The first players in the extended line will run with the baseline player. After both players have made a pass to the baseline runner, they will cross and receive the ball at the elbow from the other two elbow extended players and shoot the ball, grab the rebound, pass to the next players waiting in line on the sideline
  • After the layup is completed, the next player on the baseline will grab the rebound and repeat the same process with the players who passed to the shooters
  • Put a time limit on the drill and set a target score

Key Points:

  1. Good passes leading to layup/shots
  2. Communication
  3. Timing on shots and getting the ball out of the hoop

What You Need:

  1. Five basketballs
  2. Scoreboard/Score keeper

Starting Point
